
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stupid SEO Spammers [SearchEngineWatch]

Stupid SEO Spammers [SearchEngineWatch]

Som people/companies never give up, but their advertise as they still are in the 90's
General rules are:
Lesson #1: Don’t spam people with your SEO services.
Lesson #2: Definitely don’t spam people who write for SEW and have close relations with spam blacklist owners about your SEO services.

"This morning I got an email (my tenth) from a company that hadn’t read my rules: National Positions, an “SEO” firm out of California, promising me “five times the RELEVANT traffic at a substantially reduced cost.” The site, which I’ve linked to above using a 302 redirect so as not to give out any of my link juice, said they could place my “website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN” using their “proprietary techniques” and “valuable closely held trade secrets,” without using “link farms or black hat methods.” And they charge “less than half of what other companies charge!” Awesome.

From Internet Marketing and Online Annonsering

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