
Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Keyword Research Tool from Google

A new beta version of a new keyword tool from Google is available in the AdWords console. To get to it, login to, go to a campaign, click on opportunities (if you have that tab), then on the left bar, click on keyword tool. A “beta” link should be available for you to click on in the top paragraph.
If you don’t see it, below is a big screen shot of the tool. The keyword tool integrates some of the other tools that Google has been releasing. It links to the Google Insights for Search tool and it brings in data from industry segments. It also gives more advanced break down of filter options, from showing country specific data, mobile data, setting your own CPC prices, allows you to add keyword filters, you can filter by industry category, break out by word and filter by match type. This tool seems pretty neat off the bat, but you should really dig deeper into it yourself.

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